11 Feb 2019, 00:00

New Blog

My old blog wasn’t updated in a long while, and I have planned to move from Jekyll to Hugo for a long while, so I finally set up everything.. I’m actually not sure where the source for my old blog is, but if I find it, I might republish some older stuff. And I have planned to publish more content soon.

I’m currently using the purehugo theme, because I like the simplicity and the look. But there is a few things I miss, so I might change that in the future.

Of course I couldn’t stick with my first theme for more than one day, so I’m experimenting with others. I’m currently using a modified Jane theme. I Also like the Story theme, I might try that out soon as well. While it seems to be a lot of good themes for Hugo, a lot of them are not maintained, so that limits the options a bit. Anyways, I’ll make sure to keep the About section updated with the current info about what I use.

The site is hosted on github pages, with cloudflare in front for SSL certs. A nice thing about the setup is that everything is very easy to set up, and free for personal blogs. How I set everything up might be a topic for a future blog post!

10 Nov 2017, 00:00

Devopsdays Oslo Books

Books mentioned at devopsdays Oslo 2017

There was a lot of books mentioned during the talks at Devopsdays Oslo 2017. I compiled a list of all the books mentioned. If you want to see the talks, you can find links to the recordings on the Devopsdays website (the books are listed by the speaker)

Mike Long

Stein Inge Morisbak

Trond Arve Wasskog

Mark Burgess

14 Feb 2017, 00:00

Machinelearning resources from Devopsdays Oslo 2017

At Devopsdays Oslo 2017, there was a discussion about machine learning at one of the one of the openspace sessions. I made some notes from the session, and put it into a gist that I shared on twitter. This is essentially that gist, so not much editing here.

machine learning resources, from Devopsdays Oslo open spaces session

Thanks to @HannahFoxwell for the following links:

some more resources

Using tensorflow with WebRTC: https://webrtchacks.com/webrtc-cv-tensorflow/

Two interesting podcasts episodes about the ethics of AI:

(By the way, I recommend both those podcasts)

Who will be the first to loose their jobs to robots? Dilbert

Kubernetes, jupyter notebooks + tensorflow: Kubeflow